Nine ‘youth juries’ were established across three major British cities – London, Leeds and Nottingham -, each comprising twelve 12-to-17 year-olds who were invited to act as ‘jurors’ with a view to ‘putting the Internet on trial’. This article outlines the method that was designed for conducting these juries, focusing upon two innovative features: the organisation of deliberative juries, based upon a four-step process for arriving at policy recommendations; and the use of dramatic scenarios, intended to make relatable to personal experience what might otherwise have been regarded as abstract policy principles.
Juries, Rights, Vignettes, Drama, Youth, Deliberation
How to Cite
Coleman S., Pothong, K. & Weston S., (2018) “Dramatizing Deliberation: A Method for Encouraging Young People to Think About Their Rights”, Journal of Public Deliberation 14(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.16997/jdd.292